Saturday, October 27, 2012

Point of View

How do you think this novel would be different if it was told from third person omniscient instead of third person limited point of view?


What effect are the Giver's memories having on Jonas?  Is he changing as a result of receiving the memories? If yes, how so?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Free of Pain

What effect can you imagine a life almost completely free of pain might have on people?

Pale Eyes

What do you think pale eyes might be intended to symbolize in the novel?

The Giver

What things are unique about The Giver’s dwelling, and what do these things tell us about him and
his role in the community?

Jonas is Selected

What immediate effect does Jonas’s selection as Receiver have on his life? What disturbs him about
his new life?

Capacity to See Beyond

In Chapter 8, the Chief Elder explains that Jonas has the "capacity to see beyond."  What do you think this means?