Friday, October 12, 2012


Stirrings: Explain in your own words why Jonas must start taking a pill every day.  What effect do you think the pills will have on him?


  1. He has to take a pill because he had his first stirring. Where he lives you don't pick your own spouse the elders pick someone for you. So you can't be in
    Pave with someone else. The pills he has to take every day will prevent him from having another stirring.
    August Miller

  2. He has to take a pill because the people who lead the place must choose who will marry who. So the pill will make them not like anyone else except for their husband or wife.

    Mariah Mattison

  3. He must start to take the pill because he can't have feelings for another when they have the committee chooses a wife for him. The pill makes it so the feelings go away and that he won’t have them as long as he is taking them.

  4. He has to take the pill because he can't love a other person. And he can't love another because they chose who you mary.

  5. he pills help them to cant love another girl

    Oliver :)

  6. Stirrings are dreams you have about another person in the community. And Jonas had one. So every morning he has to take this pill to prevent them from happening again.

  7. He has to start taking a pill so he does not have another stirring. In his community you don't pick your own spouse. The Commity of Elders pick yyou spouse for you. So they do not want you to have felling for another person. The pill he takes daily will prevent him from having any more stirring.
    Ellie Beroske
