Friday, October 12, 2012


Volunteering: Why do you think members of Jonas's society must do volunteer work when they are young? Do you think this is a good idea or a bad idea? Defend your answer. Write about any volunteer experiences you have had in your life.


  1. I think they have to volunteer so they know what they want there assignment to be. Also so the knew what to do when they are assigned there job. I think it is a good idea because they learn about all different assignments

  2. He must start to take the pill because he can't have feelings for another when they have the committee chooses a wife for him. The pill makes it so the feelings go away and that he won’t have them as long as he is taking them.

  3. I think it is a good idea to have volunteering so the kids can get a feel of what they want their assignment to be. They have to volunteer at a young age so the committee of elders can see what there aptitude should be. I have taught swim lessons before, and that helped me to know that I might want to be a swim coach when I’m older. When Jonas thinks to himself he feels a sort of pain rush through him

  4. I think it's good to have volunteering because you can find a job that you like.

  5. I think the kids in the community must do volunteer work because the elders can study on how they do and assign them to an assignment. I think its a good idea because it is almost like practice for when they have to do jobs.I haven't really done a lot of volunteering because I have to do it with my mom or dad, but I normally do rounds with them at St. Luke's Hospital almost every weekend.

  6. I think they should when when there young so they can train to be a 12. And I think it would be a good idea because you need to be ready for the bigger assignments.

    Oliver :)

  7. I think they have to do volunteer work when they are young so they can kinda see what jobs they might be chosen for at the ceremony of the twelves

  8. I think the kids in the community have to do volunteer work so the commity of elders can study what they like/ do well. I think its a good idea because it is almost like practice for when they have to do jobs. I some times do volunteer hours with my grandma at the Toledo Botanical Gardens.
    Ellie Beroske
