Friday, October 12, 2012


Release: What is the difference between release and loss?  Why do you think there is sadness about release at the beginning of life, and joy about release at the end of life?


  1. I think it is sad when a baby is released because it hasn't been able to go into the community and only in the nurturing home. Also the nurtures will feel like they faild. The nurture that riased the baby will want to watch the baby grow up in the community if they are released they can't do that. It is a good thin when you are older to leave because they have
    Ives in the community all there lives and they need to explore. Also the nurture have already seen the up.
    August Miller

  2. The difference between a release and a loss is that a loss is when someone dies of old age. A release is when someone is put to death. I think it is sad when someone is released when they are babies is because they didn't get to expirience stuff yet. It is a happy time when people are released when they are old is because they have expirienced what life is like.
    Mariah Mattison

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. When an old person is released it is a time of great joy. This is because they are celebrating a life well lived. When a neonatal is released it is a time of great sadness because the newborn never got to have life in the community.

  5. A loss would mean someone dieing. A release could be friendly or mean, Friendly meaning you are too old and mean meaning you are released because of breaking one of the rules badly. If a child is born, they have to give it away to be named. Releasing you can't come back to the community and you can't see anyone you know agin fro the community. You are moving on to a new life.

  6. When a old person is released its joyful because they have spent a long time in the community, but when a baby is released it is sad because they haven't been in the community.

  7. I think release means they have to kill them or kick them out of the community, and loss is when they die and the town folks half to burry them

    Oliver :)

  8. I think release means that you are either kicked out or killed out of the community and people in the community are not allowed to joke about the word

  9. I think that is sad when a baby is release because they have not been able to experience the community before they are released. When an old person is realised they have experience the community. I think that relesing is being killed or kicked out of the community (people are not aloud to joke about the word relese) and loss is someone dieing.
