Friday, October 12, 2012


Elsewhere: What do you think "Elsewhere" is? 


  1. I think it is the real world. It would be hard to go from there community to our world because they do everything different. They call stuff different, do stuff different, and have different traditions.

  2. I think Elsewhere is a place where you don't want to be sent if you live in the community. In my own opinion I think that Elsewhere is like where we live, and the people in the community (so far by what we know) don't know anything about our world. They send the people away and they have to learn how to survive in a place where they have never been to.

  3. I think "Elsewhere" is this city where people from the community go to learn about the outside world which is our part. Basically I'm saying that they learn about what people like us have.

  4. maybe it means somebody is somewere else than the other person

    Oliver :)

  5. It could mean sent out of the community forever.

  6. I think its out side the community

  7. I think elsewhere is is the real world like our world

  8. I think that elesewhere is the rest os the world like where we live our every day life. I think that it would be very hard for us to move from something like our community to something like their community.
